Dear Future Me…

4 min readApr 22, 2018


I hope you are reading this from a few years down the road when you are still writing everyday and healing yourself by expressing your feelings to yourself or anyone who happens to see your medium account.

How are you doing? I hope you are okay. I hope you are happy also. If you are not, it’s okay. Things happen. Life happens.

by Mike Wilson on Unsplash

But I hope you are taking care of yourself both mentally and physically. I know your suicidal thoughts are always apart of you but I am very proud of you for never acting upon them no matter how much you really wanted to. I truly truly hope that you are no longer blaming yourself for everything that is wrong in your life, your sister’s life and your mom’s.

Stop, girl. Think back to March-April of 2018 when you decided to stop holding onto expectations and your guilt. Please remember how hard you work to heal yourself.

I hope you are working for the society as you have always wished. I hope you come through for you to fulfil one of your goals to study Political Science for your Masters. Even if you didn’t get to fulfil this goal, I do hope you are still working in the media industry. (Preferable non-commercial side, girl. lol)

All jokes aside, I hope you are always working hard and trying to evolve yourself.

I also hope you are balancing your life well and making time for your friends. Have you found love? LOL. Just asking that is making me uncomfortable because I never imagine us finding someone to spend time with romantically. I don’t know, lol. Are we capable? Maybe you are. Right now, I am definitely not.

I mean… I am 26 years old now and it’s old by the society’s standards. (I secretly don’t care because I don’t think I am actually 26 years old — I act more like I’m in early 20s then the mid 20s.)

Shit. LOL, I just realized, I can no longer be referred as the early 20s and I am actually nearing towards late 20s. WTF.

Okay, I hope you are not freaking out about age whenever you are reading this from.

This is so weird and fun that I am writing this to you and we are having a conversation? LOL I hope you are still as weird as I am today.

I love you. Truly. I hope you love yourself then also.

Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

You have been through a lot of emotional traumas — okay again, not comparing with others because I am SO SO sure others had it worse. But whatever, we have been through hell and back. Let’s be proud of ourselves, okay?

By the way, when I am writing this from… we are working at Black Knight Media Group as a Content Strategist and you kinda love-hate your job. You are also working as Editor for Myanmar National Airlines Inflight Magazine. All of your bosses are amazing human beings. You love them and I hope you still love them whenever you are right now.

Just updating you because I know you have a short-term memory so maybe this tibits will jot some memory of your first official-tax-paying-job and the crazy commercial experiences you have to go through as well as establishing your own team for MNA editorial planning.

I hope you are either the leading your own company/media agency or newsroom wherever you are Chit because this is something you are working towards. I hope you never lost sights of your goals or give up your dreams for anyone else—maybe if for your children, it’s fine. (BUT OMG, DO YOU HAVE CHILDREN THEN?)

Okay, sorry to be freaking out. Now that I think about it, I am sure you are more mature than I am right now so I don’t know why I am talking to you as if you’re some lost girl in the ocean. LOL.

My apology.

You know what the crazy thing is… when I start writing this letter, I figure that you are just reading back from a few years like 3–4 years down the road so you’re probably 29… turning 30 soon and freaking out about the digit change.

But you might as well be reading from 10 years down the road as well…

Shit, 36 for you.

Honestly though, I hope you never change your sense of humor or your dirty mouth.

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

Stay you, but like evolved-still-you. LMAO Does this even make sense?

Okay, you’re me and I am you, so you get this! I really hope you do or else, I am going to be upset.

Anyway, it’s like 1:47am now in the middle of a work week. It’s 1:47am on April 19, 2018 btw.

I need to sleep. I have to go to work and finish random tasks that I need to do. I have been procrastinating it so much. I really need to finish it today.

I am turning 26 in 22 days also. LOOOOOOOL what a joke.

Okay, okay. I sleep now.

I LOVE YOU, CHIT CHIT. I am always here for you just as you have always been there for me. We are strong women who have dreams to conquer the world. I hope you are slaying the game and whatever you are doing in your life.

Love you forever and always,

25-on-the-brink-of-turning-26 Chit Chit ❤

